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Comments on: The Buck Stopped With Him https://journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/03/the-buck-stopped-with-him/ The Story of an Elective Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant Wed, 23 Jul 2008 00:17:25 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.5 By: dsennet45 https://journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/03/the-buck-stopped-with-him/#comment-699 Thu, 08 May 2008 14:26:29 +0000 http://www.journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/02/the-buck-stopped-with-him/#comment-699 Chaya,

I send you and your husband my best wishes for good health and peaceful minds. I pray that he continues to improve.

I am newly diagnosed. At first I was too scared to do much research. Now that I am over the initial shock I have been reading everything on your web site. It has been so helpful to me. Knowledge is power and I applaud you for all your hard work that benefits so many. You have such a gift in your ability to gather information and teach others. You and your husband deserve the best. You have made this nightmare much more bearable for me. THANK YOU

By: Wayne Wells https://journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/03/the-buck-stopped-with-him/#comment-642 Mon, 05 May 2008 15:26:37 +0000 http://www.journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/02/the-buck-stopped-with-him/#comment-642 This is my first cyber check on how you two are doing since leaving for the Mayo Clinic sponsored “Living with Blood Cancer Symposium” in Chicago. A great bunch of the most open and caring docs one could hope to find. My thoughts were with Harvey through out the Conference. It is a great relief to hear that the situation may be under control now that it is identified.

As a Viet-Nam vet certified by the VA as Agent Orange CLL disabled, your post encapsulates so poignantly the human condition. Basically good people enfolded in the actions of abstract policy, justified by narrow interests and sold to the people through the manipulative techniques that use fear and appeals to patriotism.
On a personal level I wanted no part of that war but went and did my “job” my “duty”. Though I became an early member of Viet-Nam Vets Against the War I accept the karma of my disease. Having drawn that bad card I cannot help but wrestle with conflicting emotion that I have lived a good long time disease free and am in pretty good health still, knowing that many Vietnamese must be suffering with little support. I have so much to fall back on; my caring wife, friends, a self created environment of natural beauty in which to live, the opportunity to research through the Internet, good health insurance and not least of all you two, Chaya and P.C. for guides on my journey. I too wonder of the insidious afflictions our nation has left on the people of Viet-Nam and by extension what we are doing to the people in Iraq.
Life is certainly a complex tapestry as epitomized by Chaya’s gift to us all of her proactive and creative efforts that would not be but for P.C.’s misfortune in getting CLL.
Before I wander too far on this path …..
May the wellness curve trend sharply upward!

By: brian https://journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/03/the-buck-stopped-with-him/#comment-641 Mon, 05 May 2008 05:02:45 +0000 http://www.journal.clltopics.net/2008/05/02/the-buck-stopped-with-him/#comment-641 I have wondered about the connection of the Navy with the National Donor Registry.
